Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Fair Trade Coffee

Ok... this is a pretty random post for me...

I was trolling the home page... to see what I might find... and ran across a blog that somebody had linked to... with both an interesting name... and possibly talking about an interesting topic: "Green Fair Trade Coffee". So: not being as green and hip, and up-to-date as I probably should be, I googled, "fair trade coffee"... and found this site... Of course, I also had to consult wikipedia here and here just to be sure... [[and during this sojourn, I discovered the definition of the "Second World" which had been bothering me for some time (tho' apparently not enough to actually go out of my way to look it up), since we seem to count from first to third lately...]].

Anyway, this all seems pretty reasonable to me... especially with designer coffee drinks going for US$ 3 or more...

So: from now on: I'll be looking for organic fair-trade coffee...

Now... maybe I should spend some time figuring out why farming the world over seems to need subsidizing... have we colluded to form the problem? Or is the problem (of requiring subsidy) intrinsic somehow?


At 9/21/2005 6:52 PM, Blogger Siel said...

Glad I could help! Welcome to the fair trade world :)


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